is very hard, because i am only child, i dont know the other part, have a cousins fill that part, but sometimes is not in off, all my life i depend whit myself, but If you look for happiness around you, in people or in things, it has and will always be short-lived. Temporary. To experience it now and forever, you need to really stop finding it elsewhere and realize that You, You are Happiness. You create and live it. Acknowledge what you like to do. What is that one thing you would do that pleases you? You "have" to do many things I reckon, but in all these "have to's", never stop pursing what your heart screams out to do become. You may not love what you have to do, nut next to this, you must do what you love. If you need someone else by your side to become happy, that is you telling yourself what a boring and unsubstantial a soul you are. Are you? no , You are a source. Today, You become the destination too. Make the two ends meet for your mind's peace. You will feel happy, by yourself. This will be Happiness. we need to understand that sometimes the people are confused. in addiction if you feel this happiness whit somebody you need to read this again.