Monday, March 28, 2016


i am Alejandro Galvez Angel, im a student in UVM Mexicali

So my highlights, one of them is went i graduated from my high school that was really important to me because, that was a phase of my life, learning my mistakes, in face my problems, study hard, and great moments with my companions of class as good or bad times. i have a really memorys that i a frame. Nice

Monday, March 14, 2016

Monday March 14, 2016

Please answer the following questions in a comment under the post. Be sure your answers are in complete sentences.



Ms. Julia Garza


Everyday work on building your 

dreams, or others will hire you

to build theirs.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Last Rule and Tips

Rule 13: Comparative/superlative forms of words

Adjectives have inflections. That is, adjectives change in spelling according to how they are used in a sentence.


Adjectives have three forms: positive, comparative, and superlative.


The simplest form of the adjective is its positive form. When two objects or persons are being compared, the comparative form of the adjective is used. When three or more things are being compared, we use the adjective's superlative form.



brave, braver, bravest

happy, happier, happiest 


Note:   Words of more than two syllables form the comparative with more and most:


beautiful, more beautiful, most beautiful.

resonant, more resonant, most resonate


Last few reminders

  •         Don't split infinitives (incorrect: "to slowly walk" correct "to walk slowly"
  •         Don't use slang (chirp) or clichés (cold as ice)
  •         Either goes with or; neither goes with nor
  •         When referring to a country, don't use "they" 
    Example: The US is the richest country in the world. 
    They have the highest GNP. (It has the highest GNP.)


Ms. Julia Garza


Everyday work on building your 

dreams, or others will hire you

to build theirs.

Monday, March 7, 2016

What I learned in class today.

well today, i learned about the 6 rules, well the first one is about de subject verb agreement, a example is like : The list of items is/are on the desk. If you know that list is the subject, then you will choose is for the verb. is so simple re orgonize that mistakes.

the Rule 2, explain to us about the pronoun argument singular, the subjects take a singular nouns a plural subjects abone each other take a singular pronuon. example, issc and jerome went to the playground so that they could practice shooting baskets. 

Rule 3, i learned about pronouns subjets, like the esencial explain is this 

Subjects/ I, HE , SHE, THEY, WE, WHO.
objects/ ME, HIM, HER, THEM, US , WHEN.
Rule 4, so this is very difficult, the pronoun cosistencey should be conutent throught a sentece
example: when we go to a restaurant, i shold leave a trip,( this is a correct form).

Rule 5, correct tense, well is easy is like make sure the action consistent. the time of the words, example: He ate cheesecake, that was a delicious cake.

Rule 6, i dont remember that, is like a describe something.

Alejandro Galvez Angel.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

FW: Assignment

Hello There! Please do the following assignment in the comment section of the post.


Ms. Julia Garza


Everyday work on building your 

dreams, or others will hire you

to build theirs.