Monday, March 7, 2016

What I learned in class today.

well today, i learned about the 6 rules, well the first one is about de subject verb agreement, a example is like : The list of items is/are on the desk. If you know that list is the subject, then you will choose is for the verb. is so simple re orgonize that mistakes.

the Rule 2, explain to us about the pronoun argument singular, the subjects take a singular nouns a plural subjects abone each other take a singular pronuon. example, issc and jerome went to the playground so that they could practice shooting baskets. 

Rule 3, i learned about pronouns subjets, like the esencial explain is this 

Subjects/ I, HE , SHE, THEY, WE, WHO.
objects/ ME, HIM, HER, THEM, US , WHEN.
Rule 4, so this is very difficult, the pronoun cosistencey should be conutent throught a sentece
example: when we go to a restaurant, i shold leave a trip,( this is a correct form).

Rule 5, correct tense, well is easy is like make sure the action consistent. the time of the words, example: He ate cheesecake, that was a delicious cake.

Rule 6, i dont remember that, is like a describe something.

Alejandro Galvez Angel.

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