When I was 17, I wanted to go to collage, but I didn´t finish high school.
I needed one more credit, so I decided to take art history at night school
It was great. (3) I always liked art- even before i took that course.
(5) the teacher was pretty cool. she played classical music in class.(1) i guess
when I learned to love mozart. (4) she asked us to write an eassay on a
famous artist, so I choosed vincent van gogh. I didn´t start my essat until
the night before it was due because I worked at my uncles store all semester.
I sat down to write, but I leaved all my art books at work. I only haved a book of
van Goghs letters to his brother, theo. Also I forgoted to buy paper. so for my essay, I wrote
letters from theo to vincent on my mothers fancy writing paper! My Teacher loved it. (2) I leave things till the las minute. it often works out!.
1. When I think about it
2. Its no wonder thath
3. looking back
4 any way getting back to my story
5. So Anyway
My feeling is something that i know about this theme, the classic music i loved, many years before de university, i decline to study, arts in UABC, because thats a really creative carrear, so when i study in my high school, my companions talk to me, about to my future, so anyway, i decided a comunication, in UVM, i not regrets about that but, that decition.
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