Monday, April 11, 2016


English 5 Blogger Work

Pg, 147

1. The biggest problem with watching television is, we need to keep do exercise, if you dont do that some diseases, like diabetes, cancer, problems whit your hearth.

2. the good thing about television is, keep the news about the world, sometimes with need to informed.

3.the point is, sometimes you need to keep atencion about a round you, this media is very adictive.

4. what bothers me is, this tipe of medias, are very adictives, sometimes the time that you made whit this, is lazy.

5. what im trying to say is. you need to put attencion in you, sometimes we forgoten, our roots.

Pg. 148
My new neightboors, are really friendly, the other day invited to us a dinner in his house, the meal was magnificent, so was a plate of itialian lasagna and a pource of salad, they talk to much that was a really perfect night.

Last week i went to a new club. All my friends had already been there, but i hadn't my wallet and my car, so i was a need money to drink something, like beer or vodka, sometimes in this situation, i need the help for my friends to led me money but they wasnt a lot of them, so i whitdraw to my house.

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